OFBiz Facility Setup

Last Updated 20230809

The next step is the product store setup and it asks for a Facility. 

Create Facility

Select Facility


Create New Facility


Facility Type ID



Note:  Click on Index Card, Click on Find, Select Party Group 10000 Ruffian Specialties

Enter Name: RS_F_CA_MAIN

Note: Facilities are a finite quantity for most organizations.  A little thought on Naming Conventions goes a long way.  You might have a few thousand stores and a handful of distribution centers, but naming should be manageable.



Completed Facility

Advanced Tip

Import data with the Web Tools Select XML Data Import

Select Web Tools

Select Import/Export

Select XML Data Import

Paste Edited Text Record

Click Import Text


<Facility facilityId="RS_F_CA_MAIN" facilityTypeId="WAREHOUSE" facilityName="RS_F_CA_MAIN"

              description="Ruffian Specialties Primary Warehouse" ownerPartyId="5000"

              defaultInventoryItemTypeId="NON_SERIAL_INV_ITEM" defaultWeightUomId="WT_lb" defaultDaysToShip="5" facilityLevel="0"/>
